It can help recover some data

Someone brought me a dead Hard Drive with important data on it. Only the electronic part of it seems to be broken as a short circuit occurs when connecting it to power. I tried powering it up with another controller and the disk spins but since the “test” controller does not have the same capacity I still couldn’t access the data.

The thing is:Where to get a Replacement controller ?

In the old days before the Internet it was near damn impossible to get a replacement controller short of finding a similar drive somewhere which would often not work since there are several revisions of Hard Disk Controllers.

Lucky for me, I stumbled onto this website which offers controller for a large number of Hard Drives.

They have a nice wizard to help you pick up the proper controller.

I’m waiting for the controller.

I just wanted to let fellow techmates that this is now easier to find and can save your butt.

2 Responses to “It can help recover some data”

  1. leon says:

    I just want to swapped pcb for my dead hard disk. I can’t find the matching pcb from that site you provided. But luckly it was found on After swapped the new pcb to my hard disk, it didn’t recognized by BIOS. Do you have any good ideas?

  2. Moofo says:

    As I understand, if there’s and hardware error either with the heads or the motor, the controller may fall in error state, preventing the bios from accessing it. You only receovery option is low level recovery in a clean room. Good luck 😉

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